Puppies have arrived!
Puppies born 7/21/23
Standard poodle puppies
Expected maturity weight 45-55lbs
Puppies will be raised with early neurological stimulation(ENS), taught to use litter box, imprinted with basic grooming and with principles of puppy culture. "Generally, genetics account for about 35% of the performance, but the remaining 65% (management, training, nutrition) can make the difference." Dr. Battaglia, Building Better Breeders
ENS includes simple exercises to which you expose puppies from days 3-16 to help aid their development, resilience and coping mechanisms
puppies litter trained transition much quicker and easier to house training
Our groomer will handle and work with puppies starting at an early age
Puppy culture is a comprehensive program aimed to optimize physical and mental development in puppies
We ENCOURAGE perspective puppy owners to come visit, view and observe how and where puppies are raised and to interact with puppies. Dam on premises.
Theodore (unavailable)
Cleveland (unavailable)
Madison (unavailable)
Puppies born on 07/21/2023
Females- 6
Males- 5
ready for their pawfect poodle home weekend of 09/15/23
Text (937)469-3838
Please fill out puppy application
First vet appointment 07/25/23